Ancestral Research
How many of us have wondered about people in old photographs, long consigned to a shoebox, or an envelope in the bottom of a drawer? Our aim at Borders Ancestry is to breathe life back into the people and places that shaped our history, where they lived, what their lives may have been like life was like and the social, economic and political events that shaped their destinies.
Whilst genealogy has always been popular, the explosion of records and resources that are now available online has enabled more people than ever to research their family history for themselves. However, even though more and more records are uploaded on a daily basis, the vast majority remain undigitized and often unindexed in the miles of material held in archive repositories around the world. These records often hold the key to our inevitable 'brickwalls' and enable generations of families to be taken further back in time when the online resources have been exhausted. They also often contain information about our ancestors lives that cannot be gleaned from vital events and census records alone, which add a richness to our research that may otherwise be lacking. Family history research can unearth some amazing discoveries that have lain hidden for decades or even centuries. It can also be an exciting and emotional journey into the unknown but the one thing it should never be is dull! |
Whatever your requirements, large or small, a pointer or two to get your own research moving again or a friendly knowledgeable expert to keep your research on track, Borders Ancestry is here to help - so please do contact us!